Very nice; thank you. As a 75-year-old woman who figured out pretty recently that I'm autistic (so many things make sense that didn't!!) and mother to a daughter diagnosed w/ADD as an adult, I'm especially aware that there must be millions? of people in my/my daughter's generations whose problems with life were ignored because these kinds of issues were very 'siloed'. The medical community and everyone else, really, slotted people with problems -- or what they saw as problems -- into very specific diagnostic groups and those who didn't fit easily were simply ignored. I know that's what happened with my daughter and myself; we both grew terrific masks and managed to function well in school, so ... No problems, right? Anyway. Thanks for this great explanation; I enjoy your posts.

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I agree! We were ignored, and it made things so hard. I'm glad you both found answers even if it was a little late. And thanks for the kind words about my posts. 🌟

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This is the best explanation of neurodiversity I've seen. Thank you for writing and sharing it.

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